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“Although I had taken the What Lies Between Us course several times, the Certified Instructor Training helped me to understand the intentionality of the curriculum, and the heart of what the journal is intended to accomplish in the learning process. It also helped me understand that Dr. Berry didn't just write a study guide but truly understands the adult learner and has a passion for anti racism work.”

“What I loved most about WLBU CI training was the community of facilitators coming together to honestly share in the joys and struggles of leading in this work. This CI community is a safe place which builds perseverance and life long learning is always encouraged. This ongoing training continues to challenge my thought process, reveals my own biases, and places me in a creative curriculum which challenges me to grow personally.”

“The CI training increased my understanding of the effects of racial trauma on its victims. I feel an even greater sense of compassion. The course gave me an equally important awareness of the common blindness of the aggressor, and instilled in me a commitment to confront it with truth, patience and love. ”