We had over 2,300 people enroll in this course! Due to the incredible interest in this series, we are currently looking to schedule another after this course concludes in July. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date on when the next series will begin for this education journey on race/ism. 

SUBSCRIBE to be notified when we offer this and other courses. 

All sessions are recorded and made available to you if you happen to miss one)

3 easy steps

  1. ENROLL (during open enrollment)
  2. PURCHASE THE STUDY GUIDE  (each person should have their own study guide)
  3. MEET HERE for the LIVE webinar link

About The Course

Anti-race/ism Curriculum Specialist, Dr. Lucretia Berry and Team Brownicity designed the What LIES Between Us series to guide, support, and equip 'new comers' with an analytical framework for examining race and racism in the United States. 

You will be equipped with a historical, political and social context for understanding race/ism and how it is sustained. The content will allow you to build a sound knowledge base and develop a perspective beyond popular discourse and uninformed opinions. With a practical understanding of contributing ideologies--like white supremacy, meritocracy, colorblindness--and interpersonal and systemic dynamics—like unconscious bias, and power and privilege—you will have a broadened awareness of yourselves, “others,” and our interconnected society. 

Each week you will receive instruction and engage in heart work, which includes reflective journaling and completing assignments.  

Topics covered include:

  1. How/why race/ism was created
  2. Reinforcing narratives and policies
  3. Immigration Intersection
  4. Analysis of structural power
  5. Brain and belief bias

Make room to learn


Thank you to our sponsors for supporting this Brownicity event and for bringing anti-racism education to others. Interested in sponsoring this or future events? Email Amy at [email protected]

Mosaic Church
Family First
CB Studio
Day Spring