About the course

This course and guide are for those stirred toward racial healing, but don’t know where to begin. Historically, conversations about race/ism have been treacherous waters to navigate, and the ‘colorblind’ approach has robbed us of any ability to have informed conversations.


You will be equipped with a historical, political, and social context for understanding race/ism and how it is sustained. The content will allow you to build a sound knowledge base and develop a perspective beyond popular discourse and uninformed opinions. Finally, What Lies Between Us will help us take our first steps towards fostering racial healing.

Featured Inside

Here are the supplemental resources that correspond with the book chapters. With the exception of the book, you have access to every resource needed to complete the study  -- video, PDFs, talks, documentaries, podcasts, maps, personal stories, etc.


2. RESUME to access the resources

3. CLICK on the corresponding book chapter in the menu to the left

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